Call for abstracts: "Education and Post-Democracy | First international conference of the journal "Scuola democratica" - Deadline: 28.02.2019


The 1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE of the JOURNAL SCUOLA DEMOCRATICA will be hosted at the University of Cagliari (Italy), June 6 through 8, 2019, by Scuola Democratica, Centro Interuniversitario per la Ricerca Didattica (University of Cagliari and University of Sassari), Il Mulino Editore.



Sono aperti i termini per la partecipazione al primo Convegno Internazionale di Scuola Democratica, che si terrà tra il 6 e l’8 giugno presso l’Università di Cagliari. Sarà un’opportunità per presentare e discutere insieme ricerche empiriche e teoriche provenienti da una varietà di discipline e settori relativi all’ambito dell’educazione. Il tema centrale della Conferenza sarà una tendenza che attualmente riguarda molti paesi interessati da processi di globalizzazione: l’avvento di ciò che Colin Crouch ha definito «post-democrazia».



The Conference stands as an opportunity to present and discuss empirical and theoretical works from a variety of disciplines and fields covering education. The focal theme of the Conference is a trend currently affecting many countries invested by processes of globalization: the advent of what Colin Crouch called «post-democracy».

The panel: «Education, cultural heritages and the Mediterranean space: History and creative processes of intergenerational transmission» - coordinated by Alessandra Broccolini (Sapienza University of Rome), Stèphane Mourlane (University of Aix-Marseille) and Luca Salmieri (Sapienza University of Rome), accepts, but is not limited to, the following topics of interest:


Education goals of teaching cultural heritages

Citizenship, school curricula and cultural heritages

New heritage communities in the safeguard of cultural, tangible and intangible heritage

The role of museums, community eco-museums and local associations in relation to education

Teaching and learning Mediterranean cultural heritages in different national and local educational systems

Opportunity and constraints in national educational policies toward art, history and culture from Mediterranean sites

Discovering and promoting new intangible heritage located among Mediterranean sites

Culture heritage and the promotion of cultural diversity and of intercultural dialogue among Mediterranean cities

The role of cultural and urban history in the implementation of educational curricula

Visual and digital tools for teaching and learning about cultural and historical heritages

Socialization and reproduction of intangible heritages



WHERE AND WHEN | DOVE E QUANDO: University of Cagliari, Italy, 6 - 8 June 2019


Abstracts should to be edited in the template form and then submitted via the submission platform. Please follow the procedure explained here:
Le proposte dovranno essere inviate nell’apposito formato seguendo la procedura nella piattaforma:

For further informations | Per ulteriori informazioni:








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