Museum & Society: Call for papers

Call for papers
Museum & Society invites those using sociological approaches to understanding museums or museum-related topics to submit papers to a special issue of the Journal. The Editors are keen to develop further the sociological scope of the Journal, and wish to encourage work under the following general headings. 
1. Papers that report new theoretically-engaged, empirically-grounded research on museums. Amongst potential areas of special interest are:
  • Social elites, power and museums
  • Corporate sponsorship
  • The public sphere and the notions of publics
  • Museums, architecture, space and the built environment
  • Museums, identity and difference (e.g. class, age, gender, ethnicity)
  • Sociology of knowledge, art, science
  • Nature and society
  • Political-economy of museums
  • Museums and religion
  • Museums and national cultural trends
  • Historical sociology of museums/collections
  • Government policy and museums
  • Out-door museums including zoos, national parks and gardens.
2. Papers that report on museum-related topics such as collecting, socio-cultural trends, cultural policy, social memory, time, heritage and tourism but where the main theme may not be museums.  Such papers would seek to broaden the field of inquiry by drawing attention to the ways in which museums are implicated/imbricated by broader social forces.      
3. Papers that focus on how museum research has been informed by key sociological concepts, e.g. social class, cultural capital, globalization, post-colonialism, post-modernism, or methods/approaches, such as ethnography, STS, Actor-Network Theory or visual methods. Such papers might, for example, show how museum research provides a critical extension of the concept(s) or approaches under review.
4. Papers that deal critically with social theorists whose ideas have influenced museum studies in recent years and which assess their contributions to the field.   
5. Papers that explore the role of the sociological imagination within museums (exhibitions and displays) and the impact of sociology on museum practice.
Museum and Society was launched in March 2003. It is an independent peer reviewed journal and is published by the University of Leicester’s renowned Department of Museum Studies. The Journal is published on-line at
For further information contact Paul Jones:Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. or Gordon FyfeQuesto indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Simbdea, società italiana per la museografia e i beni demoetnoantropologici.

c/o Museo internazionale delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino
Piazzetta Antonio Pasqualino 5 - 90133 Palermo

CF: 03251180406

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