Patrimoines, Participation, Citoyenneté: a symposium seminar

Anost, France
4th & 5th September 2015

The involvement of the public seems to have become crucial in heritage policies. The Georges Chevrier center (University of Burgundy) and the Maison du patrimoine oral de Bourgogne (Burgundian house for oral heritage), in collaboration with the French Center for ICH, organize a symposium on this matter next September 4th & 5th in Anost, Burgundy, France.

Communities involvement is central in the UNESCO 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. In 2015 the Convention has been ratified by 164 states, France is a State-party since 2006.

This seminar focus on different participative policies and their effects in Burgundy, France and worldwide. Round tables of debate and feedback are to highlight the symbolic, politic and economic issues at stake when communities and populations take part in heritage safeguarding.

Here you can download the programme: Programme

Simbdea, società italiana per la museografia e i beni demoetnoantropologici.

c/o Museo internazionale delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino
Piazzetta Antonio Pasqualino 5 - 90133 Palermo

CF: 03251180406