SIMBDEA e il Museo Internazionale delle Marionette Antonio Pasqualino di Palermo invitano tutti gli interessati, musei e professionisti del patrimonio, a iscriversi tramite questo link alla conferenza internazionale del progetto IMP, Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museum Project, che si terrà a Palermo il 27 Febbraio 2018.
Il progetto IMP ( https://www.ichandmuseums
Vi aspettiamo numerosi a Palermo, al Museo internazionale delle marionette, il 27 Febbraio 2018, per la conferenza internazionale Musei, patrimonio immateriale e partecipazione.
International conference on Intangible Cultural Heritage,
Museums and Participation
at the Museo internazionale delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino Palermo, IT
This International conference, taking place at the International Puppet Museum in Palermo, will focus on the role that museums could play in this process of dialogue, of renegotiated roles and shared decision making, when they work together with practitioners of intangible heritage who want to transmit their heritage to future generation with the support of museums.
On the program will be a keynote on the topic of intangible heritage, museums and participation; a series of inspiring museum examples on intangible heritage and participation from Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Switzerland and Italy; a conversation with Italian practitioners of intangible heritage; working groups; discussions; and a presentation of the co-creation, realised by a community of Sicilian traditional puppeteers in collaboration with the Puppetry Museum.
More information about speakers and a detailed program will follow soon!
Subscription to the International conference on February 27, 2018 is open to forty museum- and intangible cultural heritage professionals that are active in Italy. There is no entrance fee(coffee and lunch are included).* Via this link you can already subscribe today!
This International conference connects to the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums Project(2017-2020) that explores the variety of approaches, interactions and practices on intangible cultural heritage in museums. Read more about IMP here.
+32 468 50 87 28 (cell phone) | +32 50 51 61 70 (office)

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